Eternal Love Letters

From the desk of Jean-Baptiste Amata Gastiganto (translation: beloved host of John the Baptist), Little John for short

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18 Jul 2018
Friendship Brings Love To Life
Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. James 4:4 You can walk your own path and write your own story, that's only natural. But when you're friends with anyone else and sharing in life together, you're choosing to cooperate together in each other's life, and at those times you're together, you're... Read more
8 Jul 2018
True Love Never Fails
God IS love and love is not religious, He is absolutely virtuous. ABSOLUTELY holy, peaceful, graceful, gracious, assertive, caring, charitable, compassionate, confident, considerate, cooperative, courageous, courteous, creative, determined, dignified, diligent, enthusiastic, flexible, forgiving, friendly, generous, gentle, helpful, honest, honorable, humble, idealistic, integral, joyful, kind, loyal, moderate, modest, noble, orderly,... Read more
5 Jul 2018
Virtue Is The Language Of Love
Virtuousness (righteousness), is the language of love... Preach the gospel at all times and when necessary, use words. St. Francis of Assisi For the kingdom of God is not in word (talk) but in power (action). 1 Corinthians 4:20 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but... Read more
13 Jun 2018
Is It True Love?
The supernatural presence of absolute, true love (God), is so overwhelmingly virtuous, it transforms your character in the blink of an eye, into that of a perfect gentleman and is so majestic, it makes you feel like a king. It fills you with its characteristic virtues of ABSOLUTE assertiveness, caring, charity, cleanliness, commitment, compassion, confidence, consideration, cooperation, courage, courtesy, creativity, detachment,... Read more
7 Jun 2018
True Love Is Absolutely Virtuous
TRUE love is not wishy-washy or corrupted by lust and very, very few find it, because their animalistic, instinctual nature and its characteristics, particularly lust, deceive people into thinking that sex is love is love. While absolute, true love is far from romantic, it's not without a touch of romance. Though neither is it, without a touch of "tough love". God IS love and love is not religious, He is absolutely virtuous... Read more
6 Jun 2018
Changing The Way You Think Is Hard
The work God (True Love) does in us, is the transforming of our character. This is a very difficult process, especially when you don't fully understand the why and wherefore of it and resist it. I've talked about the nature of things and how our character comes from whichever nature (spirit) dwells within us, because all nature's have certain characteristics (fruits) that differentiate them from one another and form the character, that... Read more
30 May 2018
What Makes People Act Like Demons?
Thus says the Lord God: "On that day it shall come to pass that thoughts will arise in your mind, and you will make an evil plan" Ezekiel 38:10 GOD, is the Great Omniscient Deity of absolute, true love. He exists beyond space and time, in the eternal moment and all of mankind's history, is but a single blink of His eye. He sees all and knows all, from the dawn of creation until the end of time, for it's all in the same moment from His... Read more
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Virtue of the Week


lion-like characteristic

Confidence is having faith and trusting that you have what it takes to handle whatever happens. You are sure of yourself and enjoy trying new things, without letting doubts or fears hold you back. When you have confidence in others, you put your trust in them and know you can rely on them.

Therefore, do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward.Hebrews 10:35

All 52 Virtues

The Wheat and the Tares
The League of True Love

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