Absolute Love Is Rapturous

- 1: an expression or manifestation of ecstasy or passion
- 2: a state or experience of being carried away by overwhelming emotion
- 3: a supernatural experience in which the soul is exalted to a knowledge of divine things
We are not in the last days, but the final hour, in which scriptures are being fulfilled and coming to life, before your very eyes. Whether or you're able to see and recognize it or not, is entirely up to how blinded, deceived, governed and ruled (marked) by the beast of your flesh (ego), and blemished with worldly cares, concerns, desires, hopes and dreams, you are. In fact, many have already "missed the boat", as in the days of Noah or in this case, the fiery chariot (rapture).
Whether you know it or not, believe it or not, understand it or not, like it or not, ready or not, The League of True Love is God's end time movement and not all who cry 'Lord, Lord' will be in that number, as the saints go marching in to His eternal presence, realm and reality of absolute, undying, true love and virtuous majesty, in one accord, in living for love with all their heart, mind, body and soul (absolutely), according to true love's absolute holiness, peacefulness, gracefulness and graciousness, with absolute equanimity, humility, cooperativeness and joy, without a care in the world and like a little child-at-heart, though far from childish.
It's definitely not for everyone, least of all those who are full of themselves and whose character is marked (stained) by the characteristic, sinful pride, vanity, envy, selfishness, ambition, lust, greed, desire for creature comfort and fear for survival, of the instinctual, egocentric nature of their flesh, and whose minds are blemished with worldly cares, concerns, desires, hopes and dreams.
The kingdom of Heaven is within you, if you know where to look and what you're looking for, and have the courage to confront your demons and get over (overcome) your self.
In case you haven't heard, God has decreed, "My Grande Finale will not be religious, in any way. It will be like a Disney movie, only it ain't no fairytale and is beyond the shadow of any doubt and everyone's wildest imagination, and it is not a revival! It's a complete renovation and will be the revival to end all revivals, crusade to end all crusades, exodus, sorting of the wheat from the tares and harvest, all rolled into one almighty move, that will be the greatest outpouring of My love, the world has NEVER known. And those who have any spot or blemish of ego and any part in the world that's sprung from it, will have no part in MY egoless civilization, MY League of True Love (kingdom of Heaven)."
And we're doing it the righteous (virtuous) way, with true love and its characteristic virtues (courage, confidence, assertiveness, dignity, graciousness, unity, etc), the "fruits" of true love's divine nature, and not with pride, paranoia, prejudice, cowardice or fear, etc. We're not doomsday preppers, fearing the end of the world. We're looking beyond the end and prepping for the egoless civilization (kingdom) to come.

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lion-like characteristic
Confidence is having faith and trusting that you have what it takes to handle whatever happens. You are sure of yourself and enjoy trying new things, without letting doubts or fears hold you back. When you have confidence in others, you put your trust in them and know you can rely on them.
Therefore, do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward.Hebrews 10:35