Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder

If I was a self-conscious and vain person, I'd be concerned with how others see me. Yet I couldn't care less what anyone makes of me, for I'm not man-made (Romans 9:20-21).
Having experienced the presence of God's divine nature and characteristics, in absolute, supernatural power and glory, I know what He's looking for in people. He's looking to see if their thoughts, words and deeds come from His divine nature of absolute, true love and if their character comes from His true love's characteristics of absolute, majestic virtuousness (righteousness).
When you stand before the Lord for the judgement of your character, He won't care how much you think you know, how many scriptures you memorised and can recite like a parrot, how many mysteries you think you've solved or how many good works you proudly think you've done. He only has eyes for what's in your heart and whether your character comes from the virtuous characteristics of God's divine nature of absolute, undying, virtuous, true love or whether it comes from the instinctual nature of your flesh and its characteristic pride, vanity, envy, selfish ambition, lust, greed, desire for creature comforts and/or fear for survival.
Some of the most beautiful people I've met, have been ordinary people who weren't anything special to look at, but had the most beautiful heart's full of true love and the virtue of it was apparent in their thoughts, words and deeds.
I once watched a show called Mary's Land. It was about a man, sent by the Catholic Church to play the Devil's Advocate and interview people who'd been to Medjugorje, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where it's reported the Virgin Mary appears. Though the testimonies of the people he interviewed were amazing, the one that I like the most, was when he interviewed one of the Visionaries, who sees and talks to Mary. He asked her, what she thought of Mary and she replied, she once asked Mary why she was so beautiful. To which Mary replied, "Love, love is what makes everyone beautiful."
If you think knowing and reciting scriptures (the letter of the law), puts you in God's good books and gives you entrance into His eternal presence, realm and reality (kingdom) of absolute, true love and virtuousness, then you better think again. As it is written: "For the kingdom of God is not in word but in power." - 1 Corinthians 4:20
The power of His absolute, undying, virtuous, true love, that flows through all who dwell in His eternal presence, realm and reality, with absolute, unrelenting, unrestrained and unadulterated power, passion and purpose, and governs and dictates our every thought, word and deed, without a hint of self-consciousness, any spot of pride, vanity, envy, selfish ambition, lust, desire for creature comforts or fear for survival, or the blemish of worldly cares, concerns, desires, hopes and dreams, in short, nothing that is not of God (absolute love).
Let those who have the ears to hear and eyes to see, get the bigger picture...

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Confidence is having faith and trusting that you have what it takes to handle whatever happens. You are sure of yourself and enjoy trying new things, without letting doubts or fears hold you back. When you have confidence in others, you put your trust in them and know you can rely on them.
Therefore, do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward.Hebrews 10:35