Changing The Way You Think Is Hard

The work God (True Love) does in us, is the transforming of our character. This is a very difficult process, especially when you don't fully understand the why and wherefore of it and resist it.
I've talked about the nature of things and how our character comes from whichever nature (spirit) dwells within us, because all nature's have certain characteristics (fruits) that differentiate them from one another and form the character, that comes from that spirit (nature).
The Holy Spirit, is the supernatural presence of God's divine nature and characteristics of absolute, true love and majestic virtuousness (righteousness). While the so-called "sinful" nature, is the instinctual nature of our flesh, which is characterised by pride, vanity, envy, selfish ambition, lust, desire for creature comforts and fear for survival.
In order, for your character to be transformed into the character that comes from God's (True Love's) nature and characteristics (spirit), that of a perfect gentleman or gentlewoman (saint/king/queen), you have to spend time in His eternal, supernatural presence, realm and reality.
When you do, He will show you the next step in the process and more often than not, you won't fully understand the reason for that step and it might seem crazy, not only to others, but to yourself as well and as they say, love makes you do crazy things.
Why? Because God wants you to be the absolute, best character you can be and which everyone, deep, deep down in their heart of hearts wants to be. It is the one, true desire of every heart, to be filled with absolute love, peace, grace, wisdom and joy. However, to be filled with all that and remain filled with it, you have to keep it alive within you and to do that, you have to allow your every thought, word and deed to be governed and ruled by His true love's absolute holiness, peacefulness, gracefulness and graciousness, with absolute equanimity, humility and cooperativeness (brotherly love), without the slightest care in the world, like a little child-at-heart, though far from childish.
Unless you can be an absolutely perfect gentleman or gentlewoman (saint), of His true love, you cannot enter or dwell in the eternal presence, realm and reality of His ABSOLUTE love and virtuousness, no matter how willing you are or how ready you think you are. For all fall far, far shorter, than they imagine themselves to be.
If you want to be the best character you can be, a perfect gentleman or gentlewoman, according to the character of Christ, you have to follow your heart of hearts and ignore your mind, for whether you know it or not, believe it or not, like it or not, it's brainwashed, governed and ruled by the sinful, instinctual nature of your flesh.
But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.1 Corinthians 2:14
Let those who have the ears to hear and eyes to see, get the bigger picture...

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