Neediness Is Not What You Need

True Love is not about needing others to love you, but in needing to let the love within you flow
As you may imagine, with all I share about true love, I am regularly contacted by women, who are looking for a "good man" to truly love them and that they can truly love.
Many of them, have naturally experienced being in relationships, that were not true love and have had their heart's broken.
I can relate to that. I've been married twice, in which both my wive's committed adultery, so you might naturally assume that doesn't make me much of an authority on true love.
The sad truth is, that in order to know WHAT true love is, we also need to know WHAT it's not.
I've experienced God's true love, in absolute, supernatural power and glory, which isn't just a warm, fuzzy feeling and sexual attraction. His love is ABSOLUTE and flows through every fibre of your being, with such power, passion and purpose, it literally flows out of every pore of your body and makes you a fountain of eternal life, love and youth.
Love is God's divine nature and all nature's have certain characteristics, that form and define their character, and the characteristics of absolute, undying, true love, is absolute, majestic virtuousness. ABSOLUTE holiness, peacefulness, gracefulness, graciousness, loyalty, faithfulness, trustworthiness, compassion, consideration, courtesy, generosity, gentleness, humility, joyfulness, etc., etc. That's WHAT true love is and they are the fruits (characteristics) of the spirit (divine nature).
The thing I have learned, is that without virtue, true love will die, not in itself, for true love (God) can never die, but it will die in us, whether we believe it or not, like it or not.
The truth is, that it's no coincidence true love is as hard to find, as is the true presence of God, because God IS TRUE love.
Now many might think they're ready for true love (or presence of God), but they're not. For the greatest enemy of true love, is the instinctual, egocentric nature of your flesh, the characteristics of which are pride, vanity, envy, selfish ambition, lust, desire for creature comforts and the fear for survival.
Until you truly overcome your sinful, instinctual, egocentric nature, absolutely, then you are not ready for true love (or presence of God), because as God has taught me, you can't trust anyone who follows their instincts and whose character is stained (marked) by the beast of their flesh (ego), for they will naturally break your heart and/or betray you at some point (Judas Iscariot). Not necessarily adultery, though that's the true heart breaker of heart breaker's, isn't it?
What I also know to be absolutely true, beyond the shadow of any doubt, is that there is a love that's within you, deep, deep down in your heart of hearts, that is so amazing and wonderful, that when you find it, fills you with such absolute peacefulness, gracefulness, graciousness and rapturous, overwhelming joy, that is so, so blissful, you find you don't need anyone else to fill your heart.
You see, the soul, is really just the spark of eternal awareness and divine inspiration, a morning star of endless dawns and when God gave birth to your soul, your heart of hearts, in the supernatural, He breathed His life into it. Which means, He filled it with all the knowledge and awareness of His divine nature and characteristics of absolute, undying, virtuous, true love, and He did that, so that you could be absolutely aware of true love, without NEEDING it from anyone else and so all your inspiration would come from true love and be expressed with absolute, majestic virtuousness (righteousness).
Now we do need others, but it's not about needing them to love us. It's because it's in the divine nature of true love, to flow and we need others, so the love that's in our heart can flow, and when we're all truly and absolutely living for love, free of the sins (instincts) of "the flesh", then we are truly in heaven.
"nor will they say, 'See here!' or 'See there!' For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you."Luke 17:21
The instinctual, egocentric nature of "the flesh", is the root cause of all sin. It fills the mind with dark thoughts that have their source in its characteristic pride, vanity, envy, selfish ambition, lust, desire for creature comforts and the fear for survival, that causes your character to be a beastly servant of Lucifer, whose intent is to destroy true love in us, so we are not able to dwell in God's eternal presence, realm and reality of absolute, undying, virtuous, true love.
While we are in "the flesh", our instinctual nature is always there, but it isn't meant to rule our lives and dictate what we think, say and do, but to direct the steps of the flesh. It's our instinct's place, to warn us not to stick our hand in the fire, for example. Love is the true meaning and way of life, and it's the divine nature of true love, that is meant to govern and dictate our every thought, word and deed, and at times, that means overruling the instinctual nature, for love always wins, in the end, just as Christ overcame His instincts and was crucified for true love. Follow your true heart of hearts and not your instincts.
Therefore, brethren, we are debtors—not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh. For if you live according to the flesh (instinctual nature) you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. For as many as are led by the Spirit (divine nature) of God (true love), these are sons (and daughters) of God.Romans 8:12-14
To those who have obtained like precious faith with us by the righteousness (virtuousness) of our God and Savior Jesus Christ: Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust (and other characteristics of the instinctual nature).2 Peter 1:1-4
I have also learned, that when you become that perfect gentleman or gentlewoman of His true love, you're not necessarily going to find your companion in this world. For all fall short of the glory of God's (true love's) absolute, majestic virtuousness (righteousness). He's told me, that He has a woman (companion) for me, but she's not in this world, and that's perfectly OK with me. Because I've found my one, true love and that is God, and He is all I truly need.
I know you know, that what I say is true, deep down in your heart of hearts (soul), whether you know it or not, believe it or not, understand it or not, like it or not. Because the Great Omniscient Deity of TRUE Love, planted the same knowledge and awareness in your heart of hearts (soul), as He did in mine. You just don't know that you know it, because you're being blinded, deceived, governed and ruled by the instinctual, egocentric (sinful) nature of your flesh and its characteristic pride, vanity, envy, selfishness, ambition, lust, greed, desire for creature comforts and fear for survival, that makes you you're own worst enemy and in opposition to true love (an enemy of God).

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