The Heart Of A Child Is Pure

The religious, legal eagles, are great authorities on the written word. At least, in their own mind they are. They've read them all and stored them in the library of their mind (memory), for them to draw upon and argue the points of law. They can recite them word for word and many have a legal degree, from a legal institution (Bible College), to proudly show everyone they have a certain degree of knowledge. Yet they know nothing or very little about the true way of life in the kingdom of heaven, the realm and reality of absolute love and virtue.
Like most, all they know, comes from what they've read about it, but as some of you know, when you actually get to a place you've only read about, you usually find it's a lot different than you imagined it would be. Because your imagination is limited by what you know, of where you are.
The atheists love to go around telling everyone that heaven's just a fairytale. Well they're wrong, it's far more than any fairytale, it's literally and absolutely beyond everyone's wildest imagination, and the source of inspiration for all good fairytales, the one's of true love and virtue at least, in which true love and virtuousness (righteousness) always wins, in the end.
Heaven IS like a playground, but far beyond what you imagine a playground to be and if you get there, you'll see that I'm the king of the castle and so are you, and so is everyone else, and there are no dirty rascals.
It's way of life, is the absolute, ideal civilisation of man, in which everyone is an absolutely perfect gentleman or gentlewoman of true love (a saint), who's every thought, word and deed, is governed and ruled by God's divine presence, the nature and characteristics of absolute love and virtuousness, in the form of the Holy Ghost, according to His true love's absolute holiness, peacefulness, gracefulness and graciousness, with absolute equanimity, humility and cooperativeness (brotherly love), without the slightest care in the world and like a little child-at-heart, though very far from childish.
Yes, the legal eagles, like the Scribes and Pharisees of old, take such pride in their knowledge of the letter of the law (scriptures) and what they THINK they know of it and operate from a sense of duty and not from a sense of His absolute, true love or true co-operation.
They are bound by the law, for that is all they know and from their instinctual pride, vanity and selfish ambition (ego), and their good intentions, bind others to the law. Yet God will knock them off their lofty perches and they will realise just how far short they fall, so much further than they imagine themselves to be. As the scripture (1 Corinthians 4:20) says, "For the kingdom of God is not in word but in power." The power and glory of His absolute, undying, boundless, true love and majestic virtuousness (righteousness).
As you really ought to know, in His eternal presence, realm and reality of absolute, true love and virtue, it's not WHAT you know, but WHO you know that truly matters.
And if anyone thinks that he knows anything, he knows nothing yet as he ought to know.1 Corinthians 8:2
Let those who have the ears to hear and eyes to see, get the bigger picture...

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Confidence is having faith and trusting that you have what it takes to handle whatever happens. You are sure of yourself and enjoy trying new things, without letting doubts or fears hold you back. When you have confidence in others, you put your trust in them and know you can rely on them.
Therefore, do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward.Hebrews 10:35